Topiary Care Options

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Here are a few options for caring for a topiary.

Watering is important for plant survival. When the topiary has a good base like that Standing Mouse or Angel topiaries it makes it easy to use a planter tray. This way the water can be poured at the base and the topiary with wick up the water from the base.

Tabitha has done an awesome job documenting her topiary care progress on her Instagram.
View a collection of her videos on our YouTube channel.

A few other examples of a standing mouse topiary on a planter pot tray or saucer for watering. Thanks to our customers who have shared their pictures.

An option that requires less watering is to place the topiary in a planter pot with soil. This allows the creeping fig plant to root into the planter pot. The planter pot will allow the soil to hold the water with less air exposure. A topiary on its own is exposed to the air causing it to dry out faster.

A couple of other examples with the topiary in a planter pot.
